From the Word

"May they sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great." Psalm 138:5

Thursday, July 24, 2008

From the Inside Out

Well, as much as I enjoy checking my blogline feeds each day, thank you Phillip, and reading everyone else's posts, I can't seem to get to mine too regularly. Sorry, we have been very busy this summer but I will try to do better at making regular posts.

I finally finished reading Andy Stanley's book, It Came From Within. In it he describes 4 negative conditions of our hearts and how to turn them around. The over riding theme is that no matter how you try to dress up the outside, what is on the inside has a way of always coming out--usually at the most inappropriate times. Thus the need to make sure our hearts are in good condition.

I guess God wants to make sure I really get the point because He is giving me some real life illustrations. Remember the problems we were having with the Greensboro house--the leak on the main floor from the toilet, we thought, that was right above it? Remember how we sent Brian up three times to make MAJOR rennovations in the house? He replaced toilets, rebuilt seals and upgraded everything--remodeled the laundry room screened porch, and family room, replaced a ton of stuff. Then we had the wooden floors sanded and refinished, cleaned the carpets, cleaned the house and had it staged. It is gorgeous! The landscaper did his thing and we signed up with Help u Sell and scheduled the first Open House for July 13th.

On July 11th we got a call from the Realtor--the ceiling in the front hallway was leaking and the water was running down the wall--WHAT?!?!?!

To make a long story short, we had him turn off the water and electric and had a roofer check to see if the roof vents were leaking--they have had a lot of rain. All that checked out so we sent Brian up for a fourth trip. He turned everything on and waited--no water. He thought it must have been the A/C condensation. So he repaired the damage and came home. We rescheduled the Open House for this Sunday and yesterday got a call--this time with very ugly pictures--it is leaking again!! Only now we are 24 hours from our first wave of summer guests and our vacation right before school starts, so we can't go back up there now. We have contacted a local man our house stager knows and he will look at it Friday morning. I think he will need to tear out the wall, oh my I don't want to think of the mess that will make!

The moral of this story: No matter how good it looks on the outside, if there is a problem in the heart of the home, it will show and must be dealt with! Okay, Lord we are trying to get at the source of the problem, and if you are trying to tell me something about my heart, could you just come out with it and let me let you fix it? I really need to sell this house. Amen.

1 comment:

Roses Are Red, Violets are Violet said...

so true!!! That message was so powerful back when we heard it at Northpoint...

guess what? we'll be at Browns Bridge the last Sunday of this month... the 31st I think?

I'll stop by and see ya!