Do you see this lovely lady with Michelle? Her name is Ye qigong Zhang, no I can't pronounce it either, but neither can I forget her.
I originally met her last summer and was so impressed with her servant's heart. You see, she is the custodian for the school and she is an incredibly hard worker. She is at the school 6 days a week and is always smiling, I mean really--this woman is cheerful!
She mops floors, cleans windows, scrubs playground equipment, washes sinks...she keeps the entire building looking great and never complains.
Ye qigong is a very humble woman and I had to twist he arm to take her picture, but she has touched my heart with how sweetly she goes about her daily chores. I am reminded of a poem I memorized when I was a child. I think it is a good reminder on this Saturday evening as I prepare my heart for worship tomorrow morning.
"Father, where shall I work today?"
My heart asked willingly.
He pointed toward a little spot, and
Said, "Tend that for me".
"Oh no" I cried, "Not that little place,
Why no one would ever see!
No matter how well my work was done,
Not that little place for me!"
And the words He spoke, they were
Not harsh, He answered me tenderly.
"Aw, little one, search that heart of thine,
Art thou working for them or me? Nazareth
Was a little place, and so was Galilee."
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