From the Word

"May they sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great." Psalm 138:5

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Few Observations

I love to watch people. You know, in public places when you can just sit back and observe human behavior. I had many opportunities to do just that at the Orange conference. Young student pastors, new moms, seasoned pastors, teenagers. Most of the participants were there eager to learn more of the Orange approach to ministry, but it was interesting to observe the skeptics. Some of the ideas are difficult and require mental and spiritual wrestling. For many it was as if they were hearing truth, or heresy, for the first time. For most it was a time of great excitement and a little frustration--loving what they were experiencing and trying to figure out how to implement it in their church. I remember those days.

I mostly enjoy observing children, especially really young, non-verbal children. Their sense of wonder and natural curiosity is really amazing; you can almost see them learning. Every interaction is a lesson, every activity a scientific experiment. Discovery leads to bolder experimentation as they move from their comfort zones to new and more challenging discoveries. It is much more rewarding to observe them making self discoveries than to always give them directions. Of course some direct instruction is necessary, but the lessons learned by experience seem to "take" quicker and last longer.

Maybe that is why God left so many mysteries to our faith. The Bible, although very interesting, is not always an easy read. There are many concepts for which there is no reasonable explanation, they simply require faith. Maybe He delights in our discoveries as we study His Word and desire to know Him. Perhaps He intentionally leaves us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. With this thought, I pray as we endeavor to bring glory to our God, may our lives filled with amazing discoveries that delight our Heavenly Father.

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